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Question 1
Hysterosalpigography is LEAST appropriate for the evaluation of one of the following?
A. The size of the uterine cavity
B. The configuration of the uterine cavity
C. Patency of the uterine tubes
D. Pelvic endometriosis
Question 2
Mm Cyiza has vaginally delivered her first baby. During the newborn examination, the neonate has been diagnosed with caput succedaneum. Which statement is true related to its meaning?
A. Collection which usually resolves in 3-6 weeks
B. Collection of blood between the skin and periosteum
C. Boggy collection of fluid over the fetus head due to pressure
D. Boggy collection of fluid which cross the cranial suture line.
Question 3
The newborn care include a set of nursing interventions aim to assure the welfare of the baby. Which nursing intervention helps prevent evaporative heat loss in the neonate immediately after birth?
A. Administer warm oxygen
B. controlling drafts in the room
C. Immediate drying the neonate
D. Placing neonate on a warm, dry towel
Question 4
Which of the following is correct about the fetal circulation?
A. 100% of the cardiac output goes to the lungs through the artery
B. The ductus arteriosus sends oxygenated blood to the brain
C. The foramen ovale carries blood from the aorta to the pulmonary artery
D. Umbilical veins carry well-oxygenated blood during intrauterine life
Question 5
When the service nurse accidentally strikes the cradle, the infant throws his arms open hands in the air and began to cry. The nurse interprets this reaction as an indicator of what reflex from the following?
A. Moro reflex
B. Babinski reflex
C. Gripping reflex
D. Tonic reflex neck
Question 6
All the following are features of prematurity in a neonate EXCEPT
A. No creases on feet underneath
B. Abundant lanugo
C. Thick ear cartilage
D. Empty scrotum
Question 7
All of the following symptoms are associated with endometriosis EXCEPT:
A. Infertility
B. Dysmenorrhea
C. Incontinence
D. Dyspareunia
Question 8
What is the agent taught to be responsible for causing primary dysmenorrhea?
A. Estrogen
B. Progesterone
C. Prostanglandin E2
D. Prostanglandin f2a
Question 9
Which of the following statements about the management of suspected fibro-adenomas is INCORRECT?
A. Ultrasound is not useful in distinguishing fibroadenomas from breast cysts
B. Surgical excision is indicated if the breast mass is painful
C. Surgical indication is indicated if the breast is rapidly growing
D. Fine needle aspiration may provide sufficient information to allow management by frequent examination and mammographic evaluation
Question 10
How frequently should a breast self examination be performed?
A. Immediately following menstruation
B. At 2 weeks intervals, on the same day of the week
C. Weekly, on the same day of the week
D. 3 to 5days before menstruation
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