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Question 1
Which of the following observations would suggest the placenta separation is occurring after normal delivery?
A. Uterus stops contracting
B. Uterine shape changes from discoid to globular
C. Umbilical cord pulsations stops
D. Maternal blood pressure decreases
Question 2
A skilled nurse conducted delivery of mother who delivered a female healthy full term baby in good condition. During the second stage of labor, the nurse assisted the delivery with a medio lateral episiotomy. The aim of the episiotomy is to:
A. Shorten the length of first labor
B. Allow fetal head to extend during restitution
C. Prevent perineal and anal lacerations
D. Decrease trauma to the baby’s head as it extends
Question 3
A woman have been advised by the medical doctor that she will receive Gamma Globulin In which period of time Gamma Globulins are administered?
A. Within 12hours only after delivery or abortion of mother who are Rhesus negative
B. 24 hours post delivery or abortion of mother who are Rhesus negative
C. Within 72 hours post delivery or abortion of mother who are Rhesus negative
D. 36 hours only post delivery or abortion of mother who are Rhesus negative
Question 4
Rh is immunization in a pregnant client develops during which conditions?
A. Rh positive maternal blood crosses into fetal blood, stimulating fetal antibodies.
B. Rh positive fetal blood crosses into maternal blood, stimulating maternal antibodies.
C. Rh Negative fetal blood crosses into maternal blood, stimulating maternal antibodies.
D. Rh negative maternal blood crosses into fetal blood, stimulating fetal antibodies.
Question 5
Which of the following answers best describes the stage of pregnancy in which maternal and fetal blood are exchanged?
A. After the fusion of ovum and spermatozoon
B. Maternal and fetal blood are never exchanged
C. 32-34 week’s gestation 3rd trimester
D. At 9 weeks gestation when the fetal heart is well developed
Question 6
A primigravida in early first stage of labor is worried about a thick yellow discharge from both of her breasts. Which of the following actions by the nurse would be correct with this client?
A. Tell her that her milk is starting to come in because c she is in labor
B. Complete a thorough breast exam and document the results in the chart.
C. Perform a culture on the discharge and inform the client that she might have mastitis
D. Inform the client that the discharge is colostrum, normally present after the 4th month of pregnancy.
Question 7
On the 2nd post partum day, a client complains that she is urinating more than when she was pregnant with about 3liters a day. Which is the primary cause of increased urinary output post delivery :
A. Reduction of the extracellular fluid volume increased during pregnancy
B. Renal plasma flow and glomelurar filtration rate increase slightly until 1 week post partum
C. Renal malfunctioning following the normal delivery
D. Increased post partum fluid intake and breast feeding
Question 8
During moulding, there is overlapping of cranial bones at the membranous spaces and the:
A. Parietal bones slip under frontal l bone
B. Frontal bones slip under parietal bones
C. Parietal bones and occipital slip under each other
D. Frontal bones escape to molding
Question 9
While caring for a mother in labor, the following changes occur in the 2nd stage of labor EXCEPT:
A. Uterine contractions become longer, stronger but less frequent
B. Fetus descends through the cavity to the outlet
C. Pressure on rectum and pelvic floor creates urge to push
D. There is a “TURTLE” sign always
Question 10
Which of the following statement is not true regarding good antenatal care?
A. Continuous care from a skilled attendant
B. Preparation of birth and potential complications
C. Providing the best care continuously to mothers at risk
D. Promoting health and preventing disease
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