nursing problem

what do you know about 21 nursing problem

Fundamental of nursing By UWIKUNDA PATRICK
2 months, 1 week ago



uwange benoitte ange

2 months, 1 week ago

Faye Abdellah's 21 Nursing Problems Theory is a framework that helps nurses identify and address patient needs. These problems are categorized into three main groups: 1. Physical, Sociological, and Emotional Needs of Patients Basic to all patients: To maintain good hygiene and physical comfort. To promote optimal activity: exercise, rest, sleep. To promote safety through prevention of accident, injury or other trauma, and through prevention of the spread of infection.   To maintain good body mechanics and prevent and correct deformity. Sustenal Care Needs: To facilitate the maintenance of a supply of oxygen maintenance of elimination maintenance of adequate circulation. maintenance of normal respiratory function.   Restorative Care Needs: To facilitate the maintenance of sensory function. To identify and accept positive and negative expressions, feelings, and reactions. To identify and accept interrelatedness of emotions maintenance of effective verbal and nonverbal communication.   To promote the development of productive interpersonal relationships. To facilitate progress toward achievement and personal spiritual goals.   2. Types of Interpersonal Relationships between the Nurse and Patient To create or maintain a therapeutic environment. To facilitate awareness of self as an individual with varying physical, emotional, and developmental needs.   To assist patient to understand and accept illness. To facilitate the patient's adjustment to illness. 3. Common Elements of Client Care To provide for privacy and adequate rest. To anticipate and meet needs for assistance. To facilitate the maintenance of effective verbal and nonverbal communication.


uwange benoitte ange

2 months, 1 week ago

Faye Abdellah's 21 Nursing Problems Theory is a framework that helps nurses identify and address patient needs. These problems are categorized into three main groups: 1. Physical, Sociological, and Emotional Needs of Patients Basic to all patients: To maintain good hygiene and physical comfort. To promote optimal activity: exercise, rest, sleep. To promote safety through prevention of accident, injury or other trauma, and through prevention of the spread of infection.   To maintain good body mechanics and prevent and correct deformity. Sustenal Care Needs: To facilitate the maintenance of a supply of oxygen maintenance of elimination maintenance of adequate circulation. maintenance of normal respiratory function.   Restorative Care Needs: To facilitate the maintenance of sensory function. To identify and accept positive and negative expressions, feelings, and reactions. To identify and accept interrelatedness of emotions maintenance of effective verbal and nonverbal communication.   To promote the development of productive interpersonal relationships. To facilitate progress toward achievement and personal spiritual goals.   2. Types of Interpersonal Relationships between the Nurse and Patient To create or maintain a therapeutic environment. To facilitate awareness of self as an individual with varying physical, emotional, and developmental needs.   To assist patient to understand and accept illness. To facilitate the patient's adjustment to illness. 3. Common Elements of Client Care To provide for privacy and adequate rest. To anticipate and meet needs for assistance. To facilitate the maintenance of effective verbal and nonverbal communication.

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