What are change occur on Fetal skull , female pelvis?
The fetal head is the most difficult part to deliver whether it comes first or last. It is large in comparison with the true pelvis and some adaptation between skull and pelvis must take place during labor. An understanding of the landmarks and measurements of the fetal skull enables to recognize normal presentation and positions and to facilitate delivery with the least possible trauma to mother and child.
The skull is divided into the vault, the base and the face.
The vault is the large dome shaped part above the imaginary line drowns between the orbital ridges and the nape of the neck.
The base is composed of bones which are firmly united to protect the vital centers in the medulla.
The face is composed of 14 small bones which are also firmly united and non- compressible.
Bones of the Vault.
There are five main bone in the vault of fetal skull.
A. The occipital bone lie at the back of the head and forms the region of the occipital.
B. The two parietal bones lie on either side of the skull.
C. The to frontal bone from the fore head.
suture and fontanelle.
suture are cranial joints and are formed when two bones are joined. where two or more suture s meet, as a fontanelle is formed. types of sutures.
1. Lambdoidal suture: is the shaped like Greek letter lambda and separate the occipital bone from the two parietal bones.
2. The sagittal suture lie between the parietal bones.
3. The coronal suture separates the frontal bone from the parietal bones, passing from one temple to the other.
Types of fontanelle.
1. The posterior fontanelle or lambda is situated at the junction of the lambdoidal and sagittal sutures. it is small triangular in shape and can be recognized vaginally.
2. The anterior fontanelle or bregma is found at the joint of sagittal, corona; and frontal sutures and recognized vaginally.
Land Marks of the fetal skull.
I. Sinciput
II. Occiput
III. Glabella
IV. Anterior fontanelle
V. The vertex
VI. Posterior fontanelle.
VII. Occuputal protuberunse
VIII. The mentum