Why Nursing Care Plan and Nursing Process is Important.

Nursing  Process(ADPIE).

Nursing Process is systematic, rational method of planning and providing professional, quality nursing care.

Directs nursing activities for health promotion, health protection, and disease prevention.

The nursing process is used to identify, diagnose and treat  human responses to health and illness. 

Main goals of nursing process is :

1. To identify a client's health care stutus and actual or potential health problems. 

2.To establish plans to meet the identified needs.

3.To deliver specific nursing interventions to address those needs.

Nursing process is based on Critical thinking, 

For the successful application of Nursing Process, the nurse integrates elements of critical thinking to make

judgments and take actions based on reason.  

Critical thinking as a process of objective reasoning and analyzing facts to reach a valid conclusion,

is the major core integral part of professional accountability and quality nursing care.

Role of critical thinking in nursing process.

Critical thinking help allow nurse to

A. identify client's health problems

B. Enable nurses to determine which problems necessitate.

C. Collaboration with physician and which are independent to nursing.

d. select appropriate nursing intervention for achieving predictable outcome. 

The Nursing Process includes the following five steps: 

1. Assessing.

2. Diagnosing.

3. Planning.

4. Implementation or intervention 

5. Evaluating.

“ A - D - P - I - E ”.

1. Assessment

During assessment nurse collect all subjective and objective data ,

This includes things like taking vital signs, completing the nursing head to toe assessment,

getting the patient's history, and gathering any other type of objective or subjective data.  

Types of Data

Objective data: Thing that can you seen( such as blood pressure, Bruises, Cardiac Rhythms, Tremors).

Subjective Data: thing that can't see ( such as pain, emotions, Itching).

Ask yourself a few questions to help guide your critical thinking process

1. Do these signs and symptoms seem to be pointing toward one cause? Or multiple causes?

2. If that one cause (or multiple causes) were the case, what do I need to assess for further to get more information?

3. Did the patient say anything, or do I see anything, that may require follow up questions or further assessment?

4. What am I missing or forgetting to ask or do? 

2. Diagnosis 

The nursing diagnosis is the patient's response to what is happening 

Nursing diagnoses are standardized by NANDA, Always choose appropriate nursing diagnoses for your specific patient.

This means that the nursing diagnoses you pick should always match you patient.

  3. Outcome identification:  

Some nursing programs have "Outcome Identification" as part of the nursing process that you'll learn

Outcome identification simply means that you are identifying goals for your patient. 

All patient goal should follow the "SMART" framework This means that each goal select should be, 

S: Specific.

M: Measurable

A: Achievable

R: Relevant

T: Time bound  

4. Planning.

The planning step of the nursing process is where you decide how you will help the patient reach their goals from the previous step.

this planning step is all about what you will do as the nursing student or nurse.

Where the outcome identification step is all about what goals the patient has.

5. Implementation.

 The implementation step is about taking action

You'll follow through with what you had planned out in the previous step.  

This could be doing things like an intervention, educating the patient, completing a skill, or reassessing


in this step nurse student or nurses evaluate whether or not the patient  met their goal and what needs to change for the future .

this is basically a reassessment of you patient and their plan of care. 

Characteristics of Nursing Process.

1. Based on knowledge-requiring critical thinking ,

2. planned, organized and systematic ,

3. client- centered.

4. Goal-directed,

5. Prioritized,

6. Dynamic.

Main purpose of nursing process are:

1. To identify a client’s health status and actual or Potential health problems or needs

2. To establish plans to meet the identified needs and deliver specific nursing interventions to meet those needs,

3. To provide holistic - individualized care for the client.


Case study: 

JOHN  is male of  32 years old he live in Rwanda, kicukiro district , Kigarama sector,  Rwampara cell,  Ubumwe village.

He  is masonry assistant, still single and lives alone at home. He is sick since one week and is brought by his relatives to the Hospital.

He is admitted in medical ward in a District hospital and presents the following symptoms:

Physical weakness, fever, involuntary loss of urine, productive cough and difficulty in breathing.

On physical examination and full assessment you notice the following: 

  1. Vital signs (Body temperature:39ᵒc, BP:70/40mmHG,Pulse:104Beats/min, RR:48Breaths/min and spo2 : 80%,pain score 4/10
  2. Loss of both motor and sensory function of both lower limbs(Paraplegia)
  3. Crackles in the basis of both the lungs by auscultation
  4. Necrotic skin wounds around the scapula, heels and coccyx due to unchanged position that he developed at home 
  5. Poor hygiene and foul smell from his dirty clothes.

On the case we have different nursing diagnosis but when you are going to prepare nursing plan of care you have to use priority 

the nursing diagnosis may be you can choose according to priority  based on different approach that are available in nursing professional

such as   Virginia Henderson,  ABCD approach or other.








of health

care provider



subjective data

Physical weakness,


involuntary loss of urine,

productive cough,

difficulty in breathing

pain score 4/10

objective data

Vital signs

Body temperature:39ᵒc,




Spo2: 80%

Loss of both motor

and sensory function

of both lower limbs(Paraplegia)

Crackles in the

basis of both

the lungs by auscultation

Necrotic skin

wounds around

the scapula

heels and coccyx

due to unchanged


that he developed

at home 

Poor hygiene and

foul smell from

dirty clothes

ineffective breathing

pattern related

to lung crackles

 as evidenced

by the RR

of 48 B/minutes  

restoration of respiratory rate 

from 48 beat/ minutes

to 18 beat per minute

with in 40 minutes.

place patient

in semi-flowery


apply the

oxygen therapy



we place the

client in


position with

purpose of


the lung

or ventilation

we apply the

oxygen therapy

with the purpose

of facilitating the

lung function  

After 40 minutes

the respiration rate

has restored in


normal range of\

18 beat/ minutes

after  40 minutes

the spo2 is 96%.

RN/ student

nurse name of

care provider




subjective data

Physical weakness,


involuntary loss of urine,

productive cough,

difficulty in breathing

pain score 4/10

objective data

Vital signs

Body temperature:39ᵒc,




Spo2: 80%

Loss of both motor

and sensory function

of both lower limbs(Paraplegia)

Crackles in the

basis of both

the lungs by auscultation

Necrotic skin

wounds around

the scapula

heels and coccyx

due to unchanged


that he developed

at home 

Poor hygiene and

foul smell from

dirty clothes

Acute Pain

related to

pressure ulcers

as manifested

by pain score

of 4/10

relieve pain

from 4/10 to 0/10

within 30 minutes




I give him

that medication

in order to

relive pain

after 30 minutes

the client john

has no pain

RN/ student

nurse name of

care provider




subjective data

Physical weakness,


involuntary loss of urine,

productive cough,

difficulty in breathing

pain score 4/10

objective data

Vital signs

Body temperature:39ᵒc,




Spo2: 80%

Loss of both motor

and sensory function

of both lower limbs(Paraplegia)

Crackles in the

basis of both

the lungs by auscultation

Necrotic skin

wounds around

the scapula

heels and coccyx

due to unchanged


that he developed

at home 

Poor hygiene and

foul smell from

dirty clothes

Risk for Infection

related to

necrotic skin


poor hygiene,

and foul smell

from dirty



of infection

within 2 week

improving personal

hygiene and

wound hygiene

i will increase personal

hygiene with

the purpose of


self contamination

and increase


hygiene and also

the apply wound

dressing  by promoting

prevention of infection

in progress

RN/ student

nurse name of

care provider


subjective data

Physical weakness,


involuntary loss of urine,

productive cough,

difficulty in breathing

pain score 4/10

objective data

Vital signs

Body temperature:39ᵒc,




Spo2: 80%

Loss of both motor

and sensory function

of both lower limbs(Paraplegia)

Crackles in the

basis of both

the lungs by auscultation

Necrotic skin

wounds around

the scapula

heels and coccyx

due to unchanged


that he developed

at home 

Poor hygiene and

foul smell from

dirty clothes

 Impaired Skin

Integrity related to

prolonged bed rest

as evidenced by

necrotic skin

wound around


promote wound healing

with in 2 week 

apply wound dressing

and promote of nutrition 

and wound hygiene 

apply wound dressing

in order to prevent

infection and

bleeding of wound

by facilitating

wound healing


after 2 week

( in progress )

RN/ student

nurse name of

care provider


This case study contain different nursing diagnosis , i was choosing this and now

you can test your self to the remaining diagnosis and you can formulate nursing care plan.

visit our quiz page and test your self.